Lady Elaine

Lady Elaine
Who is this? And what is here? And in the lighted palace near

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Donut Day, Fat Tuesday, Whatever . . .

I grew up Catholic, which meant during Lent, we'd give up something that we loved. As a kid, I gave up candy, and all after-school visits to the corner store became off-limits. I'm pretty sure I never once stuck to this commitment during all those years of pseudo-sacrifice, but my intentions were honorable.

As an adult, I've come to the conclusion that it's more productive and spiritually cleansing if we actually do something, rather than abstain. So continue to eat chocolate and don't deny yourself an occasional glass of wine. In place of those restriction, practice patience when you think you have none left. Offer to carry an older person's groceries to her car. No swearing when traffic backs up at the rotary. Donate to a charitable organization. Instead of creating absence, make the love.

But for now, it's still the day before Lent, and I encourage you to indulge yourself one more time before we start fresh tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. In our town, we don't have a proper bakery, but the bagel bakery makes donuts, too. And they aren't bad, not at all. Happy Donut Day!

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