Lady Elaine

Lady Elaine
Who is this? And what is here? And in the lighted palace near

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today Is Her Birthday - Marie

As a child, I would steal away to her room alone, crossing the threshold into cool silence as if entering a shrine scented with lavender. Circumambulating from altar to altar . . . nightstand, cedar chest, dresser . . . I observed objects she deemed sacred – family photos, heirloom silver hairbrush and mirror, rosary, statue of Mary. This was my godmother’s sanctuary. I knew her as my aunt, too, but who and what she was could be defined many ways. Old maid, creative baker, benefactor, caregiver, holy woman.  This room bore her imprint, a space sanctioned for retreat and prayer.

She loved all shades of purple. The walls of her room were painted just the right hue, woodwork a stark white contrast. I’d lie across her white chenille bedspread, tiny pom-poms sewn on top, which pock-marked my bare legs if I stayed too long. As I gazed out her window, gauzy curtains seemed a veil between her inside life and the world. The view of her garden evoked memory – a green canvass hammock still secured between sheltering oak trees where she once sang Row Row Row Your Boat and rocked me until I fell asleep.

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